Investing in Economic Opportunity


You are a busy entrepreneur, hustling every day. But you find there are some problems grit and duct tape cannot solve, problems that require knowledge and business savvy. Chances are, you can find a lot of business content on the internet, but that content is not tailored to your situation and the unique barriers that you face. Elevate Equity clears your path to success through business training, coaching, and helping access the resources you need to succeed. Find out more about who we focus on here.

What We Offer

Boot Camps

Business ideas are not best developed in our heads, but by empowering them through vigorous exercise. Our Boot camps are designed to walk with non-traditional entrepreneurs as they design their businesses from the ground up.

Connections to Capital

We are positioned to help bridge those barriers by connecting entrepreneurs to the capital they seek. We work with investors, local banks, and micro-finance organizations.

Coaching and Mentorship

The journey to success in entrepreneurship is a difficult one that no one should walk alone. That is why we walk alongside you by linking you with mentors and coaches who can guide you.

Consulting Services

We offer one-on-one consulting for businesses trying to solve specific business problems by applying proven tools and approaches to help you get the job done.

Clear your path today



Relief Loans

We know that everyone faces emergencies. Our emergency relief loans step in to alleviate financial distress, whether caused by a one-time expense or a built-up debt burden. Our terms are simple and are designed to SERVE YOU, not profit off of your distress:

  • 0% interest loans up to $500 at one time
  • A defined ten months payback period
  • Loans are backed up by a “Guarantor” from your family or friends.
  • The program remains open into the future as long as you pay back your loan

Financial Coaching

We know that at the end of the day, one of the most valuable tools is a coach and a community that can encourage you as you pursue your financial goals.

Coming Soon - Join our Waiting List

Career Coaching

Are you someone who is stuck or frustrated in your current job?

Or maybe you are looking for your first job, unsure where to begin?

A student trying to figure out how your studies can maximize your future potential?

Our Coachng Process

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Assess your natural abilities

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Inventory your individual skills, interests, knowledge, and a sense of purpose

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Match your “whole person” to careers that fit you

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Identify economically valuable skills that can help you enter your best-match careers

Am I eligible?

Our program is designed to coach those who may otherwise not have access to high-end career coaching, including:

  • Community College Students,
  • Non-traditional Entrepreneurs
  • Adult workers looking to retrain
  • Non-profit leaders hoping to increase effectiveness

If you are unsure if you qualify for our program, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us today!

Highlands Ability Battery

The Highlands Ability Battery is a cutting-edge tool designed to measure your innate abilities and potential for learning skills. We objectively test your verbal and numerical reasoning, spatial visualization, memory, and physical coordination.

Through this process, we can help you identify unique natural strengths and weaknesses and inform the viability of potential career and educational pathways.

See a Sample Report Here

Contact Us

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‪(323) 508-5172‬

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Elevate Equity